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A New Generation

WHAT ON EARTH? Mo and Robby meet up with two Terrans in Transformers: EarthSpark. COURTESY NICKELODEON/PARAMOUNT+ (3)

Transformers: EarthSpark is a new animated series streaming on Paramount+. It’s based on the Transformers movies. The character Mo is voiced by Zion Broadnax (inset above, left), 11. Mo’s family moves from bustling Philadelphia to sleepy Witwicky, Pennsylvania. She and her brother, Robby, think it’s boring. But they soon find out that it’s home to a new breed of Transformers called Terrans. These are the first to be born on Earth.

Zion told TIME for Kids that viewers can expect to see Mo “trying to make sure everyone’s getting along, adopting Transformers into the family.”

Kathreen Khavari (inset above, right) plays a Terran named Twitch. “[The Terrans] are learning how to be both bots and humans through the love and relationships that they have with Robby and Mo,” she says.