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Kid Power

Drew Willis for TIME for Kids

CHELSEA CLINTON is the daughter of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. But Chelsea is more than just a famous daughter. She’s an activist. That’s a person working to make the world a better place. “When I was a kid, the issues I cared most about were the environment and endangered species,” Chelsea told TFK Kid Reporter Roman Peterson.

In her new book, Start Now! You Can Make a Difference, Chelsea shares her love of activism with kids. “You’re never too young to get engaged with issues,” she says. Start Now! profiles kids who have helped their community by doing everything from growing cabbages for soup kitchens to taking on bullying. Chelsea says activism can take many forms, including questioning bad behavior. “It’s not a bad thing to call out racism when you see it, sexism when you see it,” she says. “When more people are engaged, our democracy works better.”