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Impeachment Update

WHAT'S NEXT On December 5, Nancy Pelosi announces the next step in the impeachment inquiry against the president. SAUL LOEB—AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Nancy Pelosi made a big announcement on December 5. She said the U.S. House of Representatives will begin writing a document called the “articles of impeachment” against President Donald Trump. “The president’s actions have clearly violated the Constitution,” Pelosi says.

In September, the House began looking into a complaint. The complaint said Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The House interviewed officials who worked for Trump. Then House Democrats released a report. It says Trump “placed his own personal and political interests above the national interests.”

House Republicans disagree. They say the president did nothing wrong. Stephanie Grisham is the White House press secretary. “The Democrats should be ashamed,” she wrote on Twitter.

The House will likely vote to impeach, or charge Trump with a crime. A trial would then take place in the Senate. It would decide if the president should be removed from office.

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