Food Safety

A November 1 report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists 10 recent cases of salmonella. The illness broke out across six states. Eight people went to the hospital for it. One has died. Symptoms of salmonella can include fever. They can also include stomach cramps. The illness can last a week. Most people get better without treatment.
The CDC says the salmonella outbreak
a sudden increase in the occurrence of a disease
There was a chickenpox outbreak at Jordan's school.
is probably caused by ground beef. But the source of the meat containing the salmonella bacteria has not yet been found. “Ill people report eating different types and brands of ground beef purchased from many different locations,” says the CDC.
At press time, the CDC and the United States Department of Agriculture were still looking into the outbreak. The CDC had not asked stores to stop selling ground beef. The agency says it’s safe for people to eat meat that has been thoroughly
When Kerry was accused of cheating on a test, the teacher thoroughly investigated.
cooked. Eating undercooked ground beef is not recommended.
Stop and Think! How do writers and editors come up with headlines for stories? What is the purpose of a headline? Is “Food Safety” a good headline for this story?