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8 Questions with Marsai Martin

YOUNG MOGUL Television and film actress Marsai Martin has her own production company, Genius Productions. JOHN SCIULLI—BEAUTYCON/GETTY IMAGES

Marsai Martin started acting in TV commercials at age 5. She currently stars in the TV show Black-ish. This year, she appeared in the movie Little, which she helped produce. At 15, she is the youngest executive producer in Hollywood history. Martin spoke with TFK Kid Reporter Alexis Bumah.

1. How did you get your start in acting?

When I was 5, my family and I were having holiday photos taken at a mall in Texas. The photographer liked the way I posed and presented myself. He made my parents promise to show the photos to an acting agency. They did, and the rest is history.

2. How did you make the decision to start your own film production company, Genius Productions?

There aren’t a lot of young black girls in the film industry. Opportunities are limited. I wanted to create a company that’s diverse and inclusive inclusive HUNTSTOCK/GETTY IMAGES open to everyone, not just to certain people (adjective) In order to be an inclusive business, the bakery installed a wheelchair ramp. , not just of black girls, but also of anyone who is underrepresented.

3. What do you do as the head of your company?

As a producer producer ANDRESR—GETTY IMAGES someone in charge of raising the money and putting together what is needed for a project such as a movie, play, or TV show (noun) The play's producer watched from the front row. , I get to create things. I come up with ideas for projects. My team helps me decide what works and what doesn’t work. They help me to be creative. Creativity is about letting your mind go beyond what you thought was possible.

4. How do you balance your work in television and movies with schoolwork?

I work with a tutor when I’m on set. Between takes, I do my schoolwork. It definitely helps that I can work on my own time.

5. Who would you say has influenced your career the most, and why?

Definitely my family. They have done so much for me. My mom and dad are very protective of me. That’s what makes us the power group that we are. My baby sister is the reason I do this work. I want to inspire other young girls like her.

6. What do you like to do in your free time?

I love catching up with my friends. I love going back to my hometown, in Texas, to remind myself where I came from. I like to swim and dance, to eat and sleep. The normal stuff.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I try not to think about that. I just want to take it one step at a time.

8. What encouragement would you offer to young people who have big dreams?

Be yourself. And take care of yourself. Whatever you do, make time to relax. Mental health is important.

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