People are sometimes treated unfairly because of unconscious bias. TFK’s Brian S. McGrath spoke with social psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt about how to recognize bias, and how we might stop it.
1. What is unconscious bias?
Bias can be defined as the beliefs and feelings we have about people, based on their race, gender, age, or how much money their family has. When bias is unconscious, that means you have beliefs about people without knowing why you have them and how they affect the choices you make.
2. Can you give an example?
Let’s say you believe that girls are not good at math. You might not ask a girl for help with a math problem. Without thinking, you assume she can’t help you. That’s an example of gender bias.
3. Where does bias come from?
We learn it by watching how people around us react to others. When my son was in first grade, he asked me, “Do you think people feel a different way about Black people?” He remembered when we were in a grocery store and a Black man entered. White people stayed away from him. “It was like he had a force field around him,” my son said. He was already learning that some people are treated differently.
4. Is bias everywhere in our society?
We are all vulnerable
able to be harmed
If your computer is not password-protected, it is vulnerable to cyberattacks.
to bias. We can learn it from movies, television, or books. Companies, or organizations like the police, might have policies that reinforce
to make stronger
Construction crews will reinforce the historic bridge using steel and concrete.
race or gender bias.
5. How can we change this unfair behavior?
We can try to understand what is producing bias, then try to reduce it, in ourselves and in society.
6. What can kids do?
Kids have powers to fight bias that most adults don’t have. They’re not afraid of asking, “Why?” That’s how you learn how bias works. Kids are also able to develop close friendships with others of different races. They can learn to value difference.
7. How about talking with parents and teachers?
Yes! It’s important to talk about bias. If we don’t, it’s hard to understand what’s happening around us and see the damage it may be doing.
8. What if it makes adults uncomfortable?
It’s a learning opportunity for adults, too. If you don’t ask why leaders of companies tend to be white men, or why all of our presidents have been men, or why Black people don’t have all of the same opportunities—if we don’t talk about these things, bias will continue. Inequality will continue.