We asked our readers to let us know what they’re doing, thinking, and feeling during the coronavirus pandemic. Some kids tell us they’re feeling sad or worried. But many of the letters we get are filled with hope. Read a few of them below.
Would you like to share your story? If so, ask a parent or guardian to email us at tfkeditors@time.com. Your response might be featured in an issue of TIME for Kids.

I am positive that with everyone working so hard, we will defeat this virus. Things will return to normal eventually. Until then, we have to continue to be patient and thankful that we still have each other to get through this together —Maya M., 8, Rochester Hills, Michigan
I am bored. I can still go outside for now, but I wish I could go play with my friends. I miss being at school in person. It is much harder to do stuff on the computer. —Aiden H., 9, New Jersey
I spend time with my family, play games, and focus on my online learning. I think everyone should take this seriously and pray that this pandemic will be over soon. —Harman S., 9, Mishawaka, Indiana
I know we’ve been out of school for a while now and there’s still a long way to go. But I don’t think the coronavirus is going to stay forever. Scientists and experts are going to find a cure. —Alicia T., 9, Mukilteo, Washington

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.