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It’s Rhyme Time!

February 14, 2019

Poetry is a way of playing with language. Poems can have a rhythm, and poems can rhyme. Poems can be made up of full sentences or just groups of words. Some poems have a structure. Others do not. Read on…


Kid Power

December 7, 2018

CHELSEA CLINTON is the daughter of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. But Chelsea is more than just a famous daughter. She’s an activist. That’s a person who works to make the world a better…


Making A Monster

October 16, 2018

The Frankenstein monster is one of the best-known fictional creations of all time. In She Made a Monster, author LYNN FULTON (pictured) tells the true story of how he came to be. “Frankenstein is not just a myth,” Fulton told…


Poetry in Motion

March 26, 2018

Jabberwalking is not your average book of poems. The pages are full of big words, small words, and scribbles. It was written by JUAN FELIPE HERRERA. He was the first Mexican-American U.S. Poet Laureate. “Jabberwalking is about appreciating your…


Chasing Dreams

December 29, 2017

BRYAN COLLIER is an award-winning illustrator. His most recent project was illustrating Between the Lines, by Sandra Neil Wallace. This new picture book is a biography of Collier’s longtime hero Ernie Barnes. Collier illustrated his story using watercolors and collage. …


Meet Gail Gibbons

April 14, 2017

She helps kids learn about the world. Author and illustrator Gail Gibbons loves to learn. “As a kid, I was curious about everything,” she told TFK. “I had so many questions.” Her curiosity and her interest in art led Gibbons…
