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TFK Press Club

Can You Podcast?

April 15, 2022

Junior Journalist, can you hear us? Listen up: This mission is all about podcasting. Mission 10: Can You Podcast? Do you listen to podcasts? They can be fantastic sources of information. On news podcasts, journalists update listeners about what’s going…


Who Do You Appreciate?

April 8, 2022

Junior Journalist, do you know teachers who are making a difference? This week, tell us all about them. Mission 9: Who Do You Appreciate? Teacher Appreciation Week is on its way! From May 2 through 6, students around the country…


Can You Get the Scoop?

March 17, 2022

Part of a reporter's job is to ask questions. This week, we've got a question for you. Junior Journalist, are you ready to conduct an interview? Mission 8: Can You Get the Scoop? Not all magazine stories are, well, stories.…


What's Your Dream Job?

March 11, 2022

In this mission, you’ll tell us what job you might like to have in the future. Don’t worry, we won’t be upset if you don’t pick “journalist” (though we suspect some of you will!). Mission 7: What's Your Dream Job?…


Can You Picture It?

March 3, 2022

Junior Journalist, get out your camera. For this TFK Press Club mission, you’ll be telling a story using pictures. Mission 6: Can You Picture It? When you think of a journalist, do you see a reporter with a pen and…


Who's Your Earth Hero?

February 11, 2022

Junior Journalist, for your next assignment, we’re asking you to look for people who are working to protect our home planet, Earth. (Oh, and have you made your TFK Press Club badge yet? You can download it here.) Mission 5:…


What's Your Sports Report?

February 4, 2022

Hi, Junior Journalist—or should we say Junior Sports Journalist? As you’ve probably figured out, this week’s mission is all about athletics. Are you ready to report on sports? Mission 4: What's Your Sports Report? Sean Gregory is a senior sports…


How Are You Learning?

January 28, 2022

Hello again, Junior Journalist! School is a big part of your life—and we know it’s an extra-special adventure right now. This week’s assignment is to explore how kids are learning. Mission 3: How Are You Learning? Since the COVID-19 pandemic…


Where Will You Go?

January 21, 2022

Welcome back, Junior Journalist! All you need for this week’s mission is your TFK Press Club badge and your imagination. Ready? Let’s get cracking. Mission 2: Where Will You Go? Professional journalists carry an official press badge. It says who…


What Do You Stand For?

January 14, 2022

Hi there, Junior Journalist! Ready for your first TFK Press Club mission? Grab your press badge, something to write on, and something to write with. Then, read on... Mission 1: What Do You Stand For? Martin Luther King Jr. Day…
