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TFK Press Club

What's Your Summer Goal?

July 18, 2024

Everyone’s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How are…


Join the TFK Press Club!

December 7, 2023

Welcome to the TIME for Kids Press Club! We always love to hear from you. Let’s make it official! By joining the TFK Press Club, you'll become a Junior Journalist and be invited to share the stories that matter most…


What Job Interests You?

October 19, 2023

The world of careers is always changing. New kinds of jobs are popping up every day. When journalists want to learn more about something new, they go straight to the source: They interview an expert. J unior Journalists, we want…


What's Needed?

October 12, 2023

Journalists can help their communities through their work. They can report on local service efforts, which can inspire people to make donations or volunteer. Journalists can also look for a story that has been underreported, such as a small community…


What’s Ahead?

September 7, 2023

Hello, Junior Journalists! TFK Press Club is back, with a new assignment each month. Are you looking forward to the school year ahead? Sometimes, reporters ask people what they think or hope will happen in the future. Surveying many people…


What's Your Angle?

August 7, 2023

When writing a story, a journalist will consider what angle to take. The angle has to do with the story’s point of view, or perspective. Picking an angle helps a writer focus on one part of a larger topic. A…


What's Your Business Story?

July 10, 2023

One topic journalists often cover is business. Business stories keep people up-to-date on important economic changes and the actions of national and international companies. These stories can help people make financial decisions, and they can help consumers make choices. Business…



What Are You Reading?

June 5, 2023

With summer on the way and time on your hands, you might be looking for something to read. Reviews are a good way to learn about new books. A well-written review gives you a brief summary but also some insight…


Who Inspires You?

May 1, 2023

In April, TIME released its list of the 100 most influential people of the year. These individuals include leaders across a variety of fields. All are working for a better future. Some 2023 honorees include author Judy Blume, athlete Mikaela…


What's Trending?

April 20, 2023

A trend is something that’s popular for a short period of time. For example, wraparound sunglasses were trendy in the 1980s. A decade later, kids begged their parents for Furbies and Tamogotchis. (Never heard of these toys? Trust us. They…
