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Light Show

May 13, 2024

People in the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and other countries were treated to a colorful display in the sky this weekend. These displays, called auroras, are typically seen only near the Earth’s north and south poles. Thanks to…



Crafty Crabs

April 19, 2024

Plastic is everywhere. It has been found at the bottom of the ocean. It’s at the top of Mount Everest. Now plastic has been found in another unlikely place. Hermit crabs are using it as shells. A study about this…



Eclipse Wows U.S.

April 19, 2024

On April 8, crowds gathered across the United States to see a solar eclipse. People wore special glasses. They watched the moon pass in front of the sun. The eclipse could be seen in 15 states. Millions viewed the rare…



Cicadas on the Way

April 19, 2024

More than a trillion cicadas are coming to the United States. Many people find their loud buzz annoying. But don’t worry! Cicadas are harmless to humans. They don’t sting or bite. Cicadas are flying insects. They have red eyes. For most…



Fossil Find

April 4, 2024

A fossil is something from a plant or an animal that lived long ago. Fossils are preserved in rock. They help us understand the history of life on Planet Earth. Above is the fossil of an archaeopteryx. It was…



Space Junk

March 29, 2024

All kinds of human-made objects are circling the planet. Can you guess how many? The answer is 100 trillion! There are 9,000 active satellites. The rest of the objects are things such as used-up rockets, bolts, and paint chips. All…



New Space Suit

March 28, 2024

NASA plans to send astronauts to the moon by 2025. The mission is called Artemis III. It will be the first time people have walked on the moon in more than 50 years. The mission will also put a woman…



Leading the Way

March 1, 2024

Jane Goodall began studying chimpanzees in the 1960s. She worked in what is now Gombe Stream National Park, in Tanzania. She also started the Jane Goodall Institute. Goodall is now the world’s leading expert on chimpanzees. She spoke with TFK.…


The Human Body

Keep It Down

January 26, 2024

Headphones are helpful. We use them to listen to music without disturbing others. Many kids use them in school. But headphones can be harmful, too. They can cause hearing loss if the volume is too loud. Studies show that…


The Human Body

How the Ear Works

January 26, 2024

An ear has many working parts. Their job is to turn sound into something your brain can understand. Here’s how. The pinna is the part of the ear sticking out of your head. It collects sounds. The sounds travel through…
