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Recycled Instruments

December 6, 2022

Music of Recycling is an orchestra in Spain. It’s made up of about 25 young people. They play instruments made from recycled materials, such as soda cans and plastic barrels. The orchestra has two goals. One is to give new…



Insect Art

October 7, 2022

For most people, insects are pests. We flick them off our arms. We spray them with pesticides. Levon Biss is a photographer. He wants us to see their beauty. Biss takes close-up photographs of insects. Then he blows them up…



Turtle Rescue

June 15, 2022

A kindergartner in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, releases a baby turtle on June 8. Her class released 17 turtles that day. The turtles were raised from eggs. These were rescued from turtles hit by cars. The rescue program is run…



Waste-Free Coffee

April 22, 2022

Starbucks is a popular coffee shop. It uses about 7 billion disposable cups each year. This creates a lot of waste. More than one-third of the company’s packaging waste is cups and lids. Starbucks hopes to cut its waste in…



Gray Wolves Re-Listed

March 10, 2022

Gray wolves are going back on the endangered-species list. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) creates this list. It took the gray wolf off in early 2021. But on February 10, 2022, a judge made a ruling. He…


Earth Science

The Trees We See

March 4, 2022

What kinds of trees are near you? There are about 1,000 different tree species in the United States. These are four of the most common. They are native to the U.S. The white oak is large and strong. It can…



Eat for the Earth

February 25, 2022

Some food choices are better for the planet than others. Some foods use less energy or fewer resources to produce. Below are a few tips for eating in ways that are easier on the environment. Use your extras. This will…



For the Planet

February 4, 2022

Jane Goodall was a stubborn kid. She didn’t always do what she was told. But her stubbornness led her to success. She became the world’s best-known primatologist. In 1960, Goodall sat for months in the forests of Tanzania, in Africa.…



Responding to Spills

January 24, 2022

Larger oil spills are a hazard for people and wildlife. Spilled oil must be removed from the environment. Emergency response teams are called in to do the work. There are several ways to clean up oil spills. This diagram explains…



Bad Bug Alert

October 15, 2021

The spotted lanternfly might look pretty. But the insect is causing big problems. Experts in the United States are saying we need to do away with the bug. “Kill it! Squash it, smash it. . . just get rid of…
