Want to Write a Profile?

A profile is a news article that focuses on a person. It can be about a celebrity, a politician, or even an individual in your community who’s doing something noteworthy. Typically, a profile includes information about the person’s career, interests, and background. If possible, a journalist will interview the person who’s the subject of the profile. The reporter might also speak with the person’s family, friends, and coworkers. The point of a profile is to show readers a full picture of its subject. The best profiles inspire readers to learn even more about the person.
Junior Journalists, we want to know: Would you like to write a profile? Who would be a good subject? Write about what this profile would include and what would make it interesting to read. Ask a teacher, parent, or guardian to share your story with us at timeforkids.com/tfkpressclub or to send it to tfkpressclub@time.com.
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