Picking a President

In November, Americans will vote for president of the United States. Read about the candidates.
Barack Obama is president of the United States. But in 2017, the country will have a new president. Who will it be? Voters will make their choice on Election Day. It falls on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Donald Trump (right) and vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence appear in Virginia.
There are two main candidates for the country’s top job. One is Donald Trump. He belongs to the Republican Party. The party nominated him at the Republican National Convention. It took place in July, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Hillary Clinton and vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine campaign in Ohio.
Hillary Clinton is also running for president. She belongs to the Democratic Party. The party nominated Clinton at the Democratic National Convention. It took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in July. She is the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party. If she wins, she will be the country’s first woman president.
Clinton and Trump are giving speeches and meeting with voters. They are on the campaign trail
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Amina followed the trail.
TFK Reports
A person must be at least 18 years old to vote. But all Americans need to follow the election. You can too! Read special reports by TFK Kid Reporters Maple Buescher and Olivia Branan at timeforkids.com/election16.
Meet the Kid Reporters

TFK Kid Reporter Maple Buescher, 13, reported from the 2016 Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, Ohio.

TFK Kid Reporter Olivia Branan, 12, reported from the 2016 Democratic National Convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
What does the president do? Why is it an important job?
Meet the Candidates
This chart tells about the two main people running for president of the United States. Read it. Then answer the questions.

1. True or false: Donald Trump was born in Chicago.
2. Which candidate is a Republican?
3. Which candidate is older?
4. Which candidate is a Democrat?