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The Peanut Solution

HOPE IS HERE A new treatment may protect kids with peanut allergies. MYPURGATORYYEARS/GETTY IMAGES.

Nearly 2 million kids in the United States are allergic to peanuts. Brett Treichel, 13, is one of them. For Brett and others who are allergic, even a tiny bit of peanut can be dangerous. “I have to be careful for life,” Brett told TFK.

Allergic to peanuts? Exposure can cause the throat to swell. This can make it hard to breathe.


A New Treatment

Help could be on the way. A new treatment is being developed develop HERO IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES to create something over a period of time (verb) We've developed a new way to use recycled bottles. . It will help children who are allergic tolerate tolerate TERRY VINE/GETTY to put up with; to withstand (verb) The gardener recommended several plants that can tolerate drought. peanuts. A child is given a tiny bit of peanut powder. For most kids, this will not cause a bad reaction reaction FAUZAN MAUDUDDIN/EYEEM/GETTY IMAGES the way a body responds to a drug, food, etc. (noun) Chuck had an allergic reaction to the bee sting. . More powder is added. This is done a little at a time. The goal is to increase the amount of peanut that a kid can handle.

Kids with a peanut allergy have to be careful about what they eat and even who they sit with at lunch.


The treatment isn’t a cure for peanut allergies. But experts hope it will help kids avoid a life-threatening reaction. “It gives peace of mind to kids and parents,” says Sayantani Sindher. She is a researcher who worked on the treatment. “It improves their quality quality HERO IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES how good or bad something is (noun) The quality of the food at the bake sale is very good. of life.”

WARNING: Don’t try this treatment at home. It must be done under a doctor’s care.