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Honoring a Hero

December 17, 2020

John Lewis was a congressman for Georgia. He was one of the last living leaders of the civil rights movement. He died of cancer on July 17, 2020. He was 80 years old. “John Lewis was an American treasure,” Martin…



Theaters in Trouble

December 17, 2020

People love to go to the movies. They eat buttery popcorn and sit in cushy seats. They laugh with friends and family. They watch the latest films on the big screen. But many movie theaters are closed because of the…


United States

A Winning Team

November 24, 2020

Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. 
He won the 2020 presidential election. He ran against President Donald Trump. The win was announced on November 7. That was four days after Election Day. “America, I’m honored…



Seaweed Solution

November 24, 2020

Louis Druehl is a seaweed farmer. He lives and works in Bamfield, British Columbia. That’s in Canada. He has been farming kelp since 1982. Kelp is a brown seaweed. Druehl has studied seaweed. He’s cooked seaweed. He’s even written a…



A School Solution

November 24, 2020

Have you ever noticed a problem that you couldn’t figure out how to fix? Dr. Aboubacar Kampo has. He was living in Côte d’Ivoire. That’s a country in Africa. Plastic is a major problem there. Very little of it gets…


United States

Biden Wins

November 9, 2020

Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election. He is a former vice president of the United States. He will become the 46th U.S. president. Election Day was November 3. Four days later, the Associated Press made an announcement. Joe…


United States

A Big Election

November 4, 2020

People voted for president on November 3. They also voted for members of Congress. There are two main candidates running for president. They are President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden. So far, there is no winner in…


United States

Safe Travels

October 15, 2020

Patty Garvey-Darda is a wildlife biologist. She works to protect wildlife from roadway accidents. Every year, there are more than a million of these involving animals and vehicles. That’s according to the Federal Highway Administration. These accidents kill wildlife.…


United States

Election 2020

September 10, 2020

A United States presidential election is coming up. On Tuesday, November 3, voters will go to the polls. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. Whom will they pick to lead the country for the next four years? …


United States

Meet the Candidates

September 10, 2020

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two main candidates for president of the United States in the 2020 election. The candidates come from different backgrounds. They have different viewpoints and ideas about how to lead the country. Read about…



On the March

September 10, 2020

One morning in June 2020, hundreds of people gathered in Saint Paul, Minnesota. They started marching down a tree-lined street. They carried signs: “No Justice? No Peace” and “Love, Respect, Equality.” There were numerous marches in Saint Paul in the…



Up Close

April 27, 2020

Meet Daniel Botelho. He grew up near a beach in Brazil. As a boy, he loved diving and taking pictures of turtles. Now Botelho is an underwater photographer. He takes pictures of marine life for publications in the U.S. and…
