Helping Paws

Dogs have had a close relationship with people for thousands of years. They were one of the first animals to be trained to help people with tasks. Today, most dogs are pets. But there are still important jobs for them to do.
Truffle Hunters
(Above) In Italy, dogs are used to search for truffles. Truffles are similar to mushrooms. But they grow underground. Pigs can find them too. But the pigs eat them. Dogs find truffles but leave them alone.
Service dogs

Some dogs are trained to help people with disabilities. They do simple tasks for people who need assistance. Service dogs often wear a vest. If you see one of these dogs, do not pet it. It is hard at work.
Fire Dogs

Dalmatians are known for working at fire stations. In the past, they would clear the way for horse-drawn fire trucks. They also guarded equipment. Some stations still keep them as friendly companions.
Herding Dogs

For thousands of years, dogs have helped people with herding. They keep farm animals together and guide them to the right place. Dogs can herd all sorts of animals, from sheep to reindeer.