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Cristina Fernandez

Cristina Fernandez is a Staff Writer at TIME for Kids. She joined the staff in 2022. A recent graduate from Johns Hopkins University, she earned a bachelor's degree in Writing Seminars and Film and Media Studies. She is also a traditionally published YA author. In her free time, she love reading books, watching TV, and writing.

Latest Stories


Tremors on the Moon

October 12, 2023

Fifty years ago, NASA sensors recorded vibrations on the moon. Scientists recently discovered what’s causing some of these “moonquakes.” In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission ended. The astronauts returned from the moon. Their landing craft stayed behind. Scientists have studied…



Being a Buddy

August 25, 2023

Sammie Vance knows it feels bad to be left out. So she has been helping kids who feel lonely make friends. Sammie is 14. When she was in the third grade, she started the Buddy Bench program. That was at…



Tipping the Scales

April 20, 2023

A baby pangolin was born on February 2. The species is usually found in Asia. But this pangolin was born at the Prague Zoo, in the Czech Republic. This is the first of the species born in Europe. Pangolins are…



Jupiter's New Moons

March 7, 2023

Astronomers have discovered 12 more moons orbiting Jupiter. The planet now has 92 known moons. That’s more moons than any planet in our solar system. Telescopes in Hawaii and Chile spotted the new moons. Scientists had to confirm the…



In the Soil

March 3, 2023

Domingo Morales has many jobs. Environmentalist is one. Urban farmer is another. He has started a group. It’s called Compost Power. “I’m a compost expert,” Morales told TIME for Kids. “I’ve been composting for the past seven years.” Morales runs…



My Cool Job

February 24, 2023

What catches your eye when you’re shopping for new shoes? That’s what Cheresse Thornhill-Goldson wants to know. She’s a sneaker designer. She has designed footwear for athletes and many others. Now she mentors students to follow in her footsteps. …



Message from the Past

February 6, 2023

On January 17, archaeologists in Norway announced a discovery. They may have found the world’s oldest rune stone. The flat rock is etched with runes. These are letters. They’re from an ancient language. The stone could have been carved 2,000…



Bringing Books

January 27, 2023

Emily Bhatnagar has always loved reading. “Growing up, I was really shy. So I turned to books,” she told TIME for Kids. In 2019, her dad got sick. It was very serious. Books became an even bigger comfort for Emily.…



Bats in Danger

December 14, 2022

There are many species of bats. Tricolored bats and northern long-eared bats are two. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has been working on plans to protect them. That’s because of a disease. It’s called white-nose syndrome. White-nose syndrome…



Escape Artist

December 2, 2022

Sir Väs is a seven-foot-long king cobra. In English, his name means Sir Hiss. He lives at the Skansen Aquarium, in Sweden. On October 22, he escaped from his enclosure. He slithered through an opening in the ceiling. Staff members…
