TFK Reads: Bug Boys

Looking for something new to read? TIME for Kids has recommendations. Our editors selected some of the most exciting books of 2020. Then we handed them off to our team of TFK Kid Reporters to review. Here, TFK Kid Reporter Victoria Hanson shares her thoughts on Bug Boys, by Laura Knetzger. For more book reviews, check back next week.

Bug Boys is a book about Rhino-B and Stag-B, two best friends who happen to be bugs. They remind me of people at my school who have very different personalities but who are still best friends. Bug Boys is a good book for kids who enjoy reading graphic novels about science, friendship, and (you guessed it) bugs. Overall, I enjoyed it. The only part I didn’t like was when the boys got into a fight with other bugs for calling them names. Fighting is not a good way to solve problems.