The Kid Report: Filling a Need

Refrigerators stocked with free food have been popping up on street corners all over the United States. Their purpose is to help people struggling with food insecurity. You can read about these fridges in “Filling a Need,” in this week’s TIME for Kids. Here, Scarlett Pace, 11, writes about how she set up a community fridge in her area.

During the pandemic, I heard about the opening of a Buddy System MIA refrigerator in our community, Coconut Grove, Florida. Neighbors in need could get food from the fridge to feed themselves and their families. I asked my Girl Scout troop to adopt the Coconut Grove refrigerator. Its members agreed.
We sponsored and stocked the fridge for three months. Every Sunday, we’d go to the grocery store and buy healthy, delicious food. To pay for it, we used the money we made from selling Girl Scout Cookies. We even donated boxes of cookies, which everyone loved!
Food insecurity is a problem in many communities. We were proud to help Buddy System MIA. —By Scarlett Pace, 11