Should Cursive Be Taught In Schools?

Even in the age of computer keyboards, the ability to write neatly on paper is an important skill. Children are taught to print their letters, or write each one separately. That writing looks like what you’re reading right now. But what about cursive writing?
Many schools no longer teach cursive. Some people think it’s a dated form of writing and that school hours are better spent on other subjects. Others say learning to write in cursive is still useful. In 2019, the Texas state board of education reintroduced cursive as an essential skill.
Should cursive be taught in schools? We asked TIME for Kids readers to share their thoughts. Here’s what four of them had to say.

Jayita Iyengar, 12
East Rutherford, New Jersey
Putting pen to paper has benefits that typing can’t replace. Research shows that learning to write by hand is a key to good spelling and composition skills. Plus, cursive writing could be considered an art form all on its own. It’s one way for students to develop the side of their brain that isn’t developed by basic reading and writing skills.

Keith N. Kerman, 10
Pelham, New York
Cursive shouldn’t be taught in schools anymore. It’s hard to do, and it’s a waste of time. The letters are so complicated and fancy that practically nobody’s able to do it accurately. And with all of this technology around nowadays, such as computers and phones, why should cursive still exist? Besides, who cares about cursive?

Justin Lining, 9
Bellevue, Washington
Cursive writing looks more glamorous than printing. Its letter formation has extraordinary curves and arches. Some parts are wide, while some parts are narrow. That will naturally appeal to people’s eyes and impress people. You can write in cursive faster because you connect the words. Your pen doesn’t pause. Cursive can let your thoughts flow.
Spriha Pradeep, 10
Fremont, California
Learning cursive can take away time from subjects we use every day. Typing is increasingly important. Cursive writing is slower, harder to read, and harder to learn. Due to technology, cursive has become insignificant. We hardly use handwriting. There’s no reason to teach students a skill that they won’t use and will most likely forget.
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