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Brian S. McGrath

Brian McGrath is Senior Editor of TIME Edge. He joined the staff in 2015. During his 20 years of classroom experience, he has been a middle school ELA teacher in the New York City public schools, a writing instructor at the Univeristy of Arizona and Rutgers University, and a literature professor at Claremont McKenna College. Brian holds a PhD in literature from Rutgers University, in New Jersey. He spends his free time reading, writing essays, and visiting art museums.

Latest Stories

Parks Reopen

May 26, 2020

All around the country, states are loosening coronavirus restrictions. Businesses, restaurants, and other public places are slowly reopening. On Memorial Day weekend, people crowded onto beaches for the first time in months. But many weren’t following social-distancing guidelines. This could…


Slow Reopening

May 11, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous impact on our society. Besides its effect on the health of people around the world, it has also devastated the world economy. Many businesses and public places are closed. Millions of people have…


COVID-19 Testing

April 24, 2020

After weeks of following stay-at-home orders, many people in the United States are eager to get back to work. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, some 22 million Americans have lost jobs. Governors are under pressure to reopen state economies. Last…


In It Together

April 17, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting people all over the world. In the face of this global challenge, governments are working to stop the spread of the virus, and people are doing their part to support health-care workers and lift spirits.…


Forest Life

April 3, 2020

The Amazon rain forest is home to millions of plant and animal species. Ecologist Daniel Nepstad calls it an “exuberant expression of life gone wild.” But deforestation is a rising threat. During last year’s wildfires, “you could really imagine that…


Olympics Postponed

March 24, 2020

The 2020 Summer Olympic Games, in Tokyo, Japan, will be postponed for about a year. This is because of the coronavirus pandemic. That announcement was made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Tuesday, March 24. The IOC said the…


Flattening the Curve

March 19, 2020

The coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world. Experts say keeping your distance from other people during the pandemic could slow down the virus and save lives. A simple chart, shown above, tells us how. It shows two scenarios. One…


Banned Bags

March 6, 2020

A ban on single-use plastic bags went into effect in New York State on March 1. New York is one of several states to forbid stores from handing out plastic bags at checkout. California was the first. Many cities and…


YouTube Trouble

February 20, 2020

Piper Leypoldt, 11, of Durham, North Carolina, likes to watch cooking videos on YouTube. Recently, she learned that the site collects users’ data, such as search history and location­. She’s not concerned. “Other websites I use at home and school…


Remembering the March

February 14, 2020

On August 28, 1963, people from all over the country poured into Washington, D.C. Many held signs: “We March for Integrated Schools Now!” and “We Demand Jobs for All Now!” The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom drew about…
