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Jungle Layers

November 30, 2023

The rainforest is a wet, warm habitat. It’s home to many animals. There are four layers of the rainforest where these creatures live. The highest layer is the emergent layer. It is hot and sunny up here. Birds fly from…



Mighty Mangroves

February 1, 2023

Most mangroves trees grow in coastal areas. Water is salty there. Special features help the trees survive in this environment. Mangrove leaves store water. Some also store salt. When these leaves fall, they take the salt with them. Some species…


United States

Gas-Powered Car Ban

October 13, 2022

California is phasing out gas-powered cars. In August, officials set new rules. New cars sold in the state after 2035 will not use just gas. They will have to be electric or hydrogen-powered. Transportation causes greenhouse-gas emissions, which contribute to…



Gray Wolves Re-Listed

March 10, 2022

Gray wolves are going back on the endangered-species list. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) creates this list. It took the gray wolf off in early 2021. But on February 10, 2022, a judge made a ruling. He…



Let It Grow

March 4, 2022

Aadya Joshi looks out at eucalyptus trees. They were planted to replace a forest. Eucalyptus trees don’t grow naturally here in India. Native trees should have been planted, she says. Joshi started The Right Green. It teaches people about biodiversity…



Eat for the Earth

February 25, 2022

Some food choices are better for the planet than others. Some foods use less energy or fewer resources to produce. Below are a few tips for eating in ways that are easier on the environment. Use your extras. This will…



A Big Spill

January 21, 2022

In October, an underwater pipe leaked. Oil poured into the Pacific Ocean. This happened near Huntington Beach, California. Oil covered the water for miles. Some of it washed up onshore. Beaches were closed. Unfortunately, oil spills are not uncommon. When…



Mapping Reefs

October 15, 2021

Scientists have a new tool. It is the Allen Coral Atlas. It is an online map of the world’s coral reefs. Conservationists will use the atlas. It will help them protect coral reefs. Reefs are home to ocean animals. These…



Back From the Brink

October 1, 2021

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) became a United States law in 1973. When a type of animal is at risk, it can be added to the endangered-species list. The government works to save these animals. A species is taken off…



Ready, Set, Sail!

July 23, 2021

This spring, 12 sailing teams took part in the first Ocean Race Europe. The race began on May 29. It set off from Lorient, France. Teams spent 22 days at sea. They sailed on the Atlantic Ocean. They also sailed…
