TIME Is Turning 100!

On March 3, 1923, the first issue of TIME magazine was published. Soon we’ll be celebrating our 100th birthday! The world was much different a century ago. About a million kids ages 10 to 15 worked—mostly on farms and in factories—instead of going to school; Ford’s Model T was the most popular car; movies were silent; and the red Radio Flyer wagon was a best-selling toy.
Junior Journalists, we want to know: What will the world be like in 100 years? Write a “Dear 2123” letter to kids living 100 years from now. Can you predict what their world is like? Tell them what you imagine will have changed about school, technology, and more. Ask them questions about the future. Then have a teacher, parent, or guardian share your letter with us at timeforkids.com/tfkpressclub.com or tfkpressclub@time.com for a chance to be included in TIME’s 100th-anniversary celebrations.