What's Your Summer Song?

Junior Journalist, get out your headphones! This TFK Press Club mission is all about music.
Mission 12: What's Your Summer Song?
Each year, music journalists try to predict what the song of the summer will be. This is the catchy tune that seems to be everywhere for a few months: at barbecues, summer camps, block parties, pools and beaches, and all over the Internet and social media. It could be the tune, the beat, the bass line, or whatever, but the song of the summer has that special something that catches everyone’s ear.
Junior Journalists, we want to know: What's your summer song? If you could pick the song of the summer, what would it be, and why? Is it a song that you like, or one that you know is popular? A little reporting can go a long way. Check out the music charts. Ask your friends and family for their favorites. And listen for the music that seems to be playing wherever you go. Just don’t let it get stuck in your head! Ask a teacher, parent, or guardian to send us your song-of-the-summer submission here or at tfkpressclub@time.com.
Click here to learn more about the TFK Press Club and to access other missions.

Hear from Junior Journalists
Our votes for songs of the summer are Summer Feelings by Lennon Stella featuring Charlie Puth; Music for a Sushi Restaurant by Harry Styles; and Heat Waves by Glass Animals. Blue Valley Northwest High School summer school program, Kansas
Junior Journalist submissions have been edited only for length and clarity. They are not intended to reflect the views of TIME for Kids. Ages are accurate as of the time of submission.