Terrific Turtles
Sea turtles are ancient ancient KITTI BOONNITROD—GETTY IMAGES very old (adjective) At the museum, we learned about ancient Egypt and the building of pyramids. creatures. They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. There are seven species species BURNSBOXCO—GETTY IMAGES a group of similar plants or animals that can produce offspring (noun) There are more than 400 species of sharks. of sea turtles. The reptiles spend most of their life underwater. Ready to learn more? Keep reading.
A Clear View
M. SWIET PRODUCTIONS/GETTY IMAGESA sea turtle’s eyes are like swimming goggles googles MING LEE—EYEEM/GETTY IMAGES protective covering for the eyes (noun) She put on her goggles and jumped into the pool. . They help the turtle see clearly underwater.
Smooth Sailing
KJELD FRIIS—GETTY IMAGESSea turtles have smooth shells. This makes it easy for them to swim. Do you see a pattern on this shell?
Time to Eat
AI ANGEL GENTEL—GETTY IMAGESSea turtles don’t have teeth. But their sharp jaws slice through food. Sea turtles like to eat jellyfish, crabs, seagrass, and algae algae STEPHEN SIMPSON—GETTY IMAGES a kind of plant that has no leaves or stems and grows in water (noun) Sarah used a net to remove algae from the surface of the pond. . This turtle is about to eat a jellyfish.
Cycle of Life
ARIADNE VAN ZANDBERGEN—GETTY IMAGES; INSET: MARK CONLIN—GETTY IMAGESFemale sea turtles lay eggs in the sand. The eggs hatch. Baby sea turtles are born. They head toward the ocean.
Did You Know?
DOUG PERRINE—GETTY IMAGESPlastic litter is harmful to sea turtles. Plastic bags can look like jellyfish. Turtles think they are food. (Don’t worry! A jellyfish is shown here.)