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The Human Body

Stay Cool

April 6, 2023

Temperatures are rising. “We’re seeing the hottest summers in recorded history, multiple years in a row,” Dr. Grant Lipman told TIME. He’s an emergency doctor. It’s more important than ever to know how to keep cool. Being really hot is…


The Human Body

Feeling the Heat

April 6, 2023

Summer is just around the corner! In the summer, days are longer and temperatures are higher. When you spend time outside, you will experience the hot weather. There are many ways your body reacts to heat and sun. Read about…


Food and Nutrition

Ending Hunger

September 29, 2022

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot is the CEO of Feeding America. That is a charity that works to end hunger. It has a network of food banks in the United States. Last year, these food banks provided more than 6 billion meals. TIME’s…



Should Schools Have Mental Health Days?

September 2, 2022

Schools protect kids’ mental health in many ways. In some states, schools let students take days off for mental health. Do you think schools should offer mental health days? Some kids say yes. They think mental health days give kids…


Feel Better

September 2, 2022

Dr. Vivek Murthy is the United States Surgeon General. He is our country’s top doctor. He wants to protect kids’ mental health. He shares these tips for kids.



The Nose Knows

August 26, 2022

There might be a new way of sniffing out cases of COVID-19. Dogs can smell the disease in a person’s sweat. That is what a new study found. Dogs have a strong sense of smell. They can smell the chemicals…



Waste Watchers

February 18, 2022

Rob Knight is a scientist. He works at the University of California San Diego. He studies wastewater. That’s the water that has been flushed down the toilet. Knight is testing the school’s wastewater. He’s looking for the virus that causes…



The Kid Report: Waste Watchers

February 18, 2022

The story “Waste Watchers” is about robots being used to test wastewater for COVID-19. It appears in this week’s issue of TIME for Kids. Here, Allie Amison, 12, explains how her school created its own wastewater-testing robots. I go to…



Let's Play

June 14, 2021

Watching the Olympics will inspire you. Summer is a great time to challenge family and neighbors to a little friendly competition. Here are a few ideas. Don’t forget to have fun! Ready, Set, Race There’s nothing more classic than a…


Food and Nutrition

Summer Snacking

May 21, 2021

Popsicles are a summer treat. But are they good fuel for playing outside? Here are some healthy snack ideas from cookbook author Katie Kimball. 1. Make a System. A snack schedule makes everyone happier. Create one with your family. Then…
