Scraps to Soil

Compost is a natural fertilizer. It’s made from food scraps that decompose, or rot. The nutrients from these scraps make the soil richer. It can be used to grow food. Learn more about compost below.
What is compostable?
Plant materials, such as vegetable peels and leaves, can be composted (above). So can other scraps. Eggshells and shredded paper are examples.
What is not compostable?

Plastics can’t be composted because they don’t decompose. Meat and bones shouldn’t be composted. They attract pests.
How do you compost?

Compost needs three things: food scraps, yard trimmings, and water. Scraps are added to a bin. They should be mixed and kept damp.
Why should you compost?

Composting is good for the environment. It keeps waste out of landfills. And it produces soil with lots of nutrients.