Where Will You Go?

Welcome back, Junior Journalist! All you need for this week’s mission is your TFK Press Club badge and your imagination. Ready? Let’s get cracking.
Mission 2: Where Will You Go?
Professional journalists carry an official press badge. It says who they are and what media organization they represent. It’s their pass to all sorts of exciting and world-changing events. Maybe you’ve seen sports journalists wearing their badges on the sidelines of a big game. Or maybe you’ve noticed political reporters showing their badges at a press conference. Whatever the occasion, a press badge tells the world you’re on a mission: to report the news.
Junior Journalists, we want to know: Where will you go? Where do you imagine an official press badge could take you one day? Write or draw your dream reporting assignment. You can also share a photo of yourself wearing your TFK Press Club badge. We can’t wait to see it! Ask a teacher, parent, or guardian to send us your submission here or at tfkpressclub@time.com.
Click here to learn more about the TFK Press Club and to access other missions.

Hear from Junior Journalists

I hope my badge would take me to Malala who has always inspired me. I would love to ask her about her inspiration in life. Simran A., 7, Michigan

My dream reporting assignment would be to interview Dr. Fauci and ask him when COVID-19 is going to end and if the new Omicron variant affects kids more than the other variants have. Frederica S., 8, California

My dream reporting assignment would be to interview Charli D'Amelio so that I can get to know her. Tabitha T., 10, New Jersey
Junior Journalist submissions have been edited only for length and clarity. They are not intended to reflect the views of TIME for Kids. Ages are accurate as of the time of submission.