Being a Friend

Friends are important. They are the people in your life that you know and like. Friends do not have to be just the same as you. They can be older or younger. You and your friends can enjoy different things. Friends are fun. Learn how to be a good friend by reading the tips below. Then write your own ideas for how to be a good friend.
Introduce yourself.
(Above) Say hello to someone new. See if he or she would like to play with you. Talk about yourself. Ask questions to get to know each other better.
Do things together.

What are your favorite things to do? Ask a friend to do them with you. You can play games, read, or go for walks. These friends are jumping rope.
Take turns.

It is fun to play with toys. Let someone else try when you are done. Take turns listening. Tell a friend about your day. Then let her tell you about hers.
Help each other.

Ask how a friend is feeling. If he is sad, cheer him up. You can teach friends something they do not know. Ask them for help when you need it.