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Shay Maunz

Shay Maunz is an Associate Editor at TIME for Kids. Before joining TFK, in 2018, Shay was a freelance writer and editor. She’s written about everything from Sesame Street for refugee kids to rats in Vietnam, and has been published by Glamour, NPR, and Atlas Obscura. Shay grew up in West Virginia. She lives in Brooklyn with her pet poodle, Frannie.

Latest Stories


A Young Poet

December 17, 2021

On January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman stood up to speak. She was at the U.S. Capitol building, in Washington, D.C. She was surrounded by leaders. More than 33 million people were watching on television. Gorman had been chosen to deliver…



Success Story?

October 1, 2021

Gray wolves have lived in North America for at least half a million years. There were once many wolves here. But by the 1960s, the United States wolf population had crashed. Only a small number were left. In 1973, the…


United States

A Day For Remembering

September 10, 2021

September 11, 2001, was a dark day in United States history. People who wanted to harm the U.S. took control of four airplanes. They flew two planes into skyscrapers in New York City. They crashed one into the Pentagon building,…



A Kid's Best Friend

July 7, 2021

Researchers recently studied the bond between kids and animals. They recruited 30 children and their dogs. The kids brought their dogs to a large, empty room. The kids walked around the space. Sometimes, they paused or changed direction. “The…



Happy at Home

June 25, 2021

Mike Lowery is an author. He’s also an illustrator. He has spent a lot of time at home over the past year. That’s because of the pandemic. To fight boredom, he came up with fun things to do. “Sometimes, it…


Elephants at Risk

April 22, 2021

African elephants are becoming more endangered. That’s according to a March 25 report. It was done by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The group decides how likely some animals are to become extinct. There are two…


Ask the Author

April 22, 2021

Jon Klassen is an author and illustrator. He’s written four books for kids. They have been published in many languages. TIME for Kids asked Klassen five questions about his work. Did you always like to write and draw? …


Ocean Commotion

March 11, 2021

Oceans are noisier than ever, scientists say. That’s because of sound pollution. The pollution is caused by humans. And it’s harming ocean life. Researchers looked at thousands of studies of ocean sound. They found that noise pollution has increased over…


New Leaders

February 9, 2021

Joe Biden’s inauguration was held on January 20. He was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. In November, Biden won the presidential election. He beat Donald Trump. Biden took the oath of office at the U.S.…

Cover Story

Speak, Fido!

October 15, 2020

Imagine you’re out for a walk with your family. A strange dog comes up to you. It nudges you with its snout. It barks at you. You’re confused. But there’s something you don’t know: This dog has special training.…
